Center for Snow and Avalanche Studies

Swamp Angel Study Site
Swamp Angel Study Plot (subalpine)

Senator Beck Study Site
Senator Beck Study Plot (alpine)

Putney Study Site
Putney Study Plot (summit)

Senator Beck Basin Stream Gauge
Basin Stream Gauge

St Paul Basestation
St. Paul RF Base Station

The Center for Snow & Avalanche Studies serves the mountain science community and regional resource managers by hosting & conducting interdisciplinary research and conducting integrative 24/7/365 monitoring that captures weather, snowpack, radiation, soils, plant community and hydrologic signals of regional climate trends.

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CSAS News: Jan 2010

CSAS Hosts University of Colorado Field Camp

Dr. Brandon Vogt and Dr. Emily Skop, from the University of Colorado – Colorado Springs Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, returned to Silverton with twelve students in January 2010 for a week-long field class in physical and cultural geography.  Students tackled research questions ranging from “what makes avalanche forecasting so difficult” to “is Silverton a viable community”.   CSAS hosted two class sessions for the group in our office at 1428 Greene Street and led field excursions to Red Mountain Pass and Molas Pass for hands-on immersion in what was then a very interesting and still “conditionally stable” snowpack, and which only a week later produced a widespread avalanche cycle during a week-long series of storms. 

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